Sunday, June 2, 2013

outsorced reflection

Reflection of Cultural

Reflection of Cultural

1.      What you learnt

2.      What you enjoyed

3.      What you found difficult

4.      What you would like to learn more about

5.      How the course could be improved

6.      What was the most important thing that you learnt?

7.      Do you think it is important to relate any learning to your country and personal situation?

8.      Did you find researching about the UAE easy or difficult?

9.      Do you think that this course opens minds or do you think that most students know much about these topics before they begin the class?


      Culture Diversity was a amazing subject , I learnt many new things and meet other people from other countries like   (Russia , UK , India, ……)  , also that the UAE society contains many and different cultures live together. I also learnt that UAE is a garden salad country  ,

The most thing I enjoyed in this semester The discussion between the student that makes the class hot ,  The difficult I found in this course was to present the presentation in front of group. This class helped to beat my fear form presenting  The rest of the materials was interesting and easy to learn, In this course

I learnt many things about the cultural diversity but the time was not enough to go deeper. I would like to know more about the discrimination around the world and in the UAE. I want to learn more about the habits and beliefs of other cultures.


The Course can be better with field trips to Cultural places , The class should contains more ideas about different cultures and explain more about the UAE society.


I lernt that every country have a good side and a bad side , The most important thing that I learnt is the benefit of having different cultures in one society. In UAE, there are many different cultures that gives the UAE an advantage to develop and raise quickly.


Its ok but with a limit , and not cross our traditions and habbits also its fine Because it will give me a chance to understand and memorize what I learnt easily.

If I am asked to do a research about foreign country, I will face difficulties. On the other hand, if I am asked to do a research about the UAE, it will be easy. I live in the UAE  and it is my country so it will be easy to do a research about the UAE.

This course taught me new things that I did not know about them. This course is rich of useful materials that will help students in their life and understand their society.

Movie Answers

1. As soon as Todd arrives, he experiences the discomfort of being disoriented in a
strange new place. What happens at the airport?
His name was written wrong on the sign and not raised up, so , he did not find someone waiting for him. He took a taxi to the train station.

2. When a friendly traveler helps him get on the train, what does he tell him to do?
How could this advice apply to what an exchange student has to do?
He tells him to jump into the train while it was moving.

3. When he gets on the train, he cannot find an empty seat. How is this problem
solved for him? How might this be a cultural solution?
A little boy gave him his seat, but he sat on his legs. It shows respect for older people in India.

4. As any exchange student, he has a lot of experiences trying new food. His first
encounter is with an iced drink. What happens?
He bought an iced drink, but the man did not have change, so, he told him to keep the change.

5. First encounters with a culture can be shocking – Todd sees crowded streets with
cows, noise, and a man urinating in the street. But how does his host describe the
He says that Bombai is terrtible, but Gharapuri is very clean.

6. Even though the host Puro speaks English, Todd uses American slang a lot
without thinking. So as not to insult Puro, what does he say the meaning of
Schmuck is?
It mean a nice guy
7. Todd wants to check in to a hotel. But Puro insists he come to a boarding house.
What is the reason he gives Todd?
The place is very lonely, he will eat the Indian food and take care of it.

8. As soon as they meet, Aunti Ji starts asking very intimate questions that
Americans who have just met would never ask. What kind of things does she ask?
She ask him if he marred of not, and she ask him if he have a girlfriend.

9. During his first conversation with Aunti Ji he makes two big mistakes. What are
He starts to eat with his left hand.

10. The Golden Rule says do unto others as you would have them do unto you. That
means his Indian hosts and friends are trying to make him comfortable the way
they would be comfortable. How does this apply when the servant is preparing
tea for Todd?
She saw todd uncomfortable when he came back, so she tried to make todd comfortable by preparing a cup of tea for him.

11. How does Todd figure out why one does not eat food with the left hand?
They explain to him that the left hand is unclean.

12. What is ethnocentric about his statement “You need to learn about America”?
Because todd wanted them to know more about the American’s culture like accent, sport and weather so the customer will feel like he is talking to an American. (High-context culture)

13. Why do they disagree on how a “native” speaks English?
Because todd wants the employees to use the American accent so they can have a proper conversation with the costumer without any misunderstanding. (High-context culture)

14. What doesn’t Todd understand about the Indians’ response to the “cattle brand”?
He was talking without knowing people in India consider cows as a holy creature and they don’t eat beef.
15. What is Todd’s reaction to “You need to learn about India”? What stage of culture shock might it represent?
• He was confused because he didn’t know about India culture and he was embarrassed.

             (Stage 2, withdrawal).

16. He calls home several times. Why? What stage of culture shock might provoke calls home?
• Because he wanted to finish his job and go back to America, and he didn’t adapt the lifestyle in India.

• (Stage 2, withdrawal).

17. What mistakes in language usage are represented in the recording of the call about
“a rubber”?
Rubber means eraser in British accent, and it doesn’t mean the same in the American accent which creates a communication problem.

18. Why is he so eager to go to McDonnells?
to eat beef burger, which is prohibited in India.

19. Todd doesn’t understand bargaining. How does the Indian respond to this?
The seller gave him very high price trying to cheat him.

20. What does I.N.D.I.A. stand for? How might this be an example of the “Inbound
I’ll Never Do It Again.

21. What advice does his fellow American have for him?
Do not ask for beef again.

22. When Todd develops the incentive system, he has begun to adapt to India. How
has he adapted?
He started to participate in the Indian festival, eating with Indian family and try to be more social, discovering India.

23. When he looks at the cow in the office the second time, why is his reaction so
Different ?
He understands and respect Indian culture.

24. Explain the difference between American and Indian cultures when Todd and
Puro discuss how often he visits his family and why he doesn’t live with them.
American family each lives separately from each other and rarely they visite or see each other. However, the Indian family live toagther.

25. What cultural values are involved in the exchange between Aunti Ji and Todd
about ironing his underwear?
In india the ireon all different cloth.
In America todd is not used to iron his underwear.

26. How well does Todd handle himself when he is invited over the wall to an Indian
home for a meal?
He sat with them and made himself as a member of the family.

27. In what ways does he show he has adapted? How does he know he is successful?
He ate in the same way they eat in which the old women was happy from him.

28. When the call center floods and they are shut down, Todd finds an “Indian”
Solution. What is it?
He went to his Indian friend and asked for his help in electricity connections.
He called his family and will visit them soon.

29. When Todd comes home, there are several signs that his Indian experience has
influenced him. Name three ways he has become more “Indian”.
1. He called his family and will visit them soon.

2. He has the third eye that will be looking after him.

culture diversty project

My Reflection about the video


Me and My Colleges did a hard work to finish this amazing video , we face a lot of difficulties to finish this video as working with new Computer applications as IMovie .

Also most the tourists was not responding with as in the interview and that make it a harder on as

Also I faced some technical problems with the audio and that’s was the Hardest issue I faced in this project.

 In next time it will be different and more sophisticated and professional, the content would be much better than the previous

I learned from this project how to use some programs and also I learned about other cultures


I hope that the video is meaningful and influential .